This email is sent to those who subscribes DISA NEWS, the newsletter from the Dementia Improved Support Association of Japan.

We deliver the newsletter on the 4th of each month

to bring you valuable information, aiming to achieve the dementia-free world.


〇 New Year’s greeting 2021

〇 Dementia related information from across the world

〇 Notes on overseas delivery

〇 New Year’s greeting 2021

Happy New Year!

This year we will continue to make every effort to support those living with dementia and their families, hoping to see more smiles on their faces.

Last year started with COVID-19 spread, and ended up with further expansion.

The nature of the new strain found in the UK presents another threat.

The conventional strain was known to be less hazardous to children, which offered a saving grace in this emergency.

However, the new strain is likely to be dangerous to children as well as to adults.

We are confronting the new enemy this year.

Fortunately vaccines are getting available, but their potential risk is still unknown.

We strongly believe what is essential in our new lifestyle must be boosting immunity against the virus, as well as keeping cognitive functions healthy.

This year, our association continues to pursue the mission to offer KOUKA, hoping to help more people enjoy safe and secure lives.

Here’s greetings from our chief executive Kazuo Naoi and scientific advisor Prof. Masao Mori.


I am very happy to make New Year’s greetings.

Kazuo Naoi New Year’s greeting 2021

Thank you for your kind support for our association during the past year.

Your continued friendship will be greatly appreciated.

I sincerely wish you all good health and happiness.

Kazuo Naoi


Happy New Year!

Masao Mori New Year’s greeting 2021

Two years have already passed since we got a patent on the cognitive function improving supplement that we developed.

I hope a new door will be opened in dementia field in 2021.

Best wishes for your good health and longevity, and huge success.

Prof. Masao Mori

〇 Dementia related information from across the world

Aged society is one of the global phenomena.

Many countries are now facing rise in the ratio of the elderly.

In 2019, there were 0.7 billion people who were 65 or older in the world.

This number is expected to increase to 1.5 billion in 2050.

The percentage of the elderly increased from 6% in 1990 to 9% in 2019,

and is expected to reach 16% in 2050, which means one in every six is 65 or older.

New Year’s greeting 2021 _the world

Now, there are 47 million elderly people living with dementia in the whole world.

This number is estimated to be tripled in 2050.

A report in 2015 shows 58% of them were living in low or middle income countries, and estimates the percentage will reach 63% in 2030.

Every year, about 10 million new cases of dementia are identified across the world.

5 million, accounting for 50% of the whole, are from Asia including Japan.

Europe has 2.5 million cases (25%), followed by North America with 1.7 million (18%).

As compared to a statistics in 2012, the number decreased in Europe.

On the other hand, Asia, North America and Africa had more cases.

The incidence rate of dementia rises in exponentially according to age, which reaches its peak in 80 to 89 years old in Europe and North America, and in 75 to 84 in Asia.


– The Lancet  (A peer-reviewed general medical journal with its editorial offices in London and New York. One of the best-known 5 general medical journals.)

Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission

A report by the Lancet International Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care, showing that keeping avoiding 12 risk factors relating to dementia appears to be effective for delaying the onset or preventing the disease for 40%.

– The New York Times

Dementia on the Retreat in the U.S. and Europe

Rates of dementia have steadily fallen over the past 25 years, a new study finds. But the disease is increasingly common in some parts of the world.

– Alzheimer’s Disease Workbench, launched by ADDI

A platform for researchers to share more data and new tools.

It will enhance global research on the Alzheimer’s and related dementias, and boost the development in the field.

The Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (ADDI) launched a cloud-based platform for researchers

that will boost discovery and innovation in the field of the Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

ADDI was established by Bill Gates and a coalition of partners.

The initiative aims to move Alzheimer’s disease innovation further by connecting researchers with the data

they need to generate insights to inform development of better treatments and diagnostic tools.

〇 Notes on overseas order of KOUKA

Our product KOUKA, a supplement patented as composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions,

has been enormously well-received by many users around the world.

However, now it is difficult to dispatch the items to overseas customers due to COVID-19.

The items are usually delivered via EMS,

which is currently unavailable in many countries and regions as they suspended to accept international mails.

Also, transportation routes are almost lost because of a significant number of cancellation or reduction of flights from Japan.

Please be advised that every overseas customer needs to check your own country’s situation to make sure

if you can receive EMS, before ordering.

For your information, sea mail is available in many countries, although it takes longer (approximately 2-3 months).

If you want another delivery method, find possible option and check the fee required, and let us know the details as below via email.

1. Name

2. Address

3. Phone number

4. Email address

5. Recipient’s age, current status and other details that should be informed

6. Number of order (a package weighs about 600g)

7. Name of carrier

8. Charge for delivery

We charge the total amount including the product’s price (39,000JPY) and the delivery charge (declared in above 8) via PayPal.

The item will be dispatched upon confirmation of the payment.

Customers will be notified via email if we find something wrong on operation or delivery charge of designated carriers.

We will notify customers if anything wrong happens on operation or delivery charge of designated carriers.

Customers also need to check on the custom duty for your country before ordering.

Don’t forget to make sure if you can receive the item in your area, as some countries prohibit the import of supplements.

Thank you very much for your understanding and support to our activities.

We greatly appreciate medical professionals in the world for their dedicated work against the treats of COVID19.

Our association aims to bring more smiles in families, by supporting cognitive function’s recovery.

For the recovery, normalizing microcirculation is highly efficacious.

We found dosing proper amount of reishi, a gift of nature, is essential for better microcirculation.

KOUKA is a processed food product of Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi), patented in Japan

as a composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions.

Almost 100% of KOUKA users who took it for 3 months experienced alleviation of cognitive dysfunctions and life style diseases.

We strongly believe cognitive functions can be recovered

and there is no need to give up even after the onset of dementia.

With this conviction, our association has conducted physiological studies

for more understanding of the nature of human body,

as well as offering a wide range of awareness campaigns.

We are always open to share what we found with many people as possible.

We deliver further information at the official website.

DISAJP distributes valuable information on the 4th of each month to the world.

We welcome your feedback.

You can purchase the high quality reishi supplement KOUKA efficacious for improving cognitive functions at DIS SHOP.

©2025 一般社団法人認知機能改善サポート日本協会

