〇 新年のご挨拶 理事長 直井一雄ごあいさつ と共に
2020年は、COVID-19 に始まり、COVID-19 の感染拡大という結果を残して、1年を終えました。
これまでは、COVID-19 は、子どもへの影響は 少ないといわれていました。
それによって、未来への多少なりともリスクを残さない 希望となる安心がございました。
が、子どもにも感染しやすい恐れが高いという 変異ウイルスは、未来への脅威となります。
また、新しい2021年の敵 ともいえます。
当協会 直井一雄理事長 より、皆様に新年のご挨拶を申し上げます。
当協会 理事長 直井一雄
〇 New Year’s greeting
Happy New Year !
This year we will continue to make every effort to support those living with dementia and their families, hoping to see more smiles on their faces.
Last year started with COVID-19 spread, and ended up with further expansion.
The nature of the new strain found in the UK presents another threat.
The conventional strain was known to be less hazardous to children, which offered a saving grace in this emergency.
However, the new strain is likely to be dangerous to children as well as to adults.
We are confronting the new enemy this year.
Fortunately vaccines are getting available, but their potential risk is still unknown.
We strongly believe what is essential in our new lifestyle must be boosting immunity against the virus, as well as keeping cognitive functions healthy.
This year, our association continues to pursue the mission to offer KOUKA, hoping to help more people enjoy safe and secure lives.
Here’s greetings from our chief executive Kazuo Naoi.
I am very happy to make New Year’s greetings.
Thank you for your kind support for our association during the past year.
Your continued friendship will be greatly appreciated.
I sincerely wish you all good health and happiness.
Kazuo Naoi