DISAJP NEWS Vol.36 March 4th, 2021 ( Dementia Improved Support Association of Japan )

This email is sent to those who subscribes DISA NEWS, the newsletter from the Dementia Improved Support Association of Japan.

We deliver the newsletter on the 4th of each month to bring you valuable information,

aiming to achieve the dementia-free world.


〇 In vivo imaging of pathological protein allegedly attributed to senile depression

〇 Toyota begins building smart city near Mt. Fuji

〇 COVID-19 vaccines: The global dementia movement & how you can help

〇 Lewy body dementia genes show links to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

〇 Stubborn cognitive symptoms attributed to coexisting depression or Parkinson’s – but there’s a way out !

〇 Sea mail available for overseas delivery

〇 In vivo imaging of pathological protein allegedly attributed to senile depression

National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Keio University School of Medicine,

and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development published a report on their collaborative research titled Excess tau PET ligand retention in elderly patients with major depressive disorder.

The study appeared on an international journal Molecular Psychiatry online at 9:00 on July 1, 2020, Japan time.

The gist of the report

・ The research is the first in the world to demonstrate that tau protein, responsible for dementia,

is accumulated in the brains of those having senile depression, by using in vivo imaging.

・ Tau protein accumulation in the cerebral cortex may underlie psychological symptoms,

as the protein deposits in the brains of those having senile depression, especially with psychopathic symptoms.

・ In vivo imaging of tau protein is expected to be useful not only

for diagnosing senile depression but also for facilitating pathological analyses and establishing new treatment strategies



〇 Toyota begins building smart city near Mt. Fuji

Toyota Motor Corp. began construction of a smart city at the foot of Mt. Fuji in central Japan

as a testing ground for new technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence.

In the experimental site called Woven City, streets will be designated for three types of usage:

1. Faster vehicles i.e. fully automated zero emission mobility including e – Pallete

2. Personal mobility with lower speed and pedestrians

3. Pedestrians only promenade

These streets will form an extensive network like blood vessels, to play key roles in the traffic and logistics.

The occupants will have variety of advanced technologies in their everyday lives,

such as testing home robots or utilizing sensor-based AI to check their health.

The city is designed to offer parks and open spaces not only in the very central part

but also in each block to support community building and other activities.

The project, originally intended to be a model case for a new lifestyle,

might also provide prospects for living environment in aging society where people with dementia could live safely.




〇 COVID-19 vaccines: The global dementia movement & how you can help

On February 24, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) held a significant webinar

on the ongoing development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and what this means for the global dementia community.

They discussed ongoing vaccine research, options to support equitable vaccine distribution and other lessons

that they would continue to learn during the pandemic.

The webinar also examined the different successes achieved in the prioritization of people living with dementia receiving vaccines,

as well as the work that still needs addressing, such as ensuring equitable access for those in lower and middle income countries.


〇 Lewy body dementia genes show links to Alzheimer’s,  Parkinson’s

Genetic study of Lewy body dementia supports ties to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

In a study led by U.S. National Institutes of Health researchers, scientists found

that five genes may play a critical role in determining whether a person will suffer from Lewy body dementia,

a devastating disorder that riddles the brain with clumps of abnormal protein deposits called Lewy bodies.

Lewy bodies are also a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease.

The results, published in Nature Genetics, not only supported the disease’s ties to Parkinson’s disease

but also suggested that people who have Lewy body dementia may share similar genetic profiles to those who have Alzheimer’s disease.

This means Lewy body patients have higher chances of suffering Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.


〇 Stubborn cognitive symptoms attributed to coexisting depression or Parkinson’s – but there’s a way out !


Nobody wants to have dementia, but anybody can’t be free from the risk.

Statistics show 5.5% of those at the age of 60 or older is living with disease.

Recent study revealed dementia is caused by amyloid beta  (Aβ)  and tau protein.

However, most treatment strategies were less successful.

One of the recent examples is solanezumab, anti-amyloid drug developed by Eli Lilly.

Some began to suspect that the Aβ hypothesis may be wrong.

Actually, Aβ is decomposed in a short period of time and then excreted with other wastes during sleep.

However, it lowers oxygen and nutrition supply in the brain by inhibiting bloodstream, which leads to death of brain neurons.

A study shows that Aβ production is elevated in 5% O2 hypoxia.

On the other hand, Aβ is known to destroy mitochondria, which produces energy by using oxygen in cells.


That means insufficient oxygen and Aβ is linked in a vicious cycle.

Aβ accumulation in the cerebrum also causes impairment of microcirculation called cerebral amyloid angiopathy.


KOUKA is made from reishi that promotes microcirculation.

We use the best quality reishi produced in Japan, patented for the fungus, manufacturing process and processing method.

Of course, some types of dementia need something more than building better microcirculation.

Complications like depression or Parkinson’s, and pseudodementia is the case.

Depression lowers the speed of thinking and makes it difficult to keep focusing on a thing.

It is often accompanied with a subjective symptom of forgetfulness and therefore mistaken to be dementia, which is called pseudodementia.

You may think there are no difference on treating forgetfulness whether it is caused by depression or dementia.

It is not that simple, because in some cases those with depression are medicated as dementia patients and suffer further deterioration.

Parkinson’s symptoms, such as tremor, rigidity, difficulty of walking or slowness of movement,

are caused by dysfunction of motor system induced by declined level of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain.

They are often accompanied by insomnia, anxiety, melancholy and other psychological symptoms,

and almost half of the patients are revealed to have depression.

University of East Anglia researchers found more cases of dementia in patients prescribed larger quantities of particular anticholinergics.

Anticholinergics is used for treatment of depression, Parkinson’s, bladder problems and other dysfunctions.

The study revealed that the long term medication is likely to increase the risk for dementia.



Regulating noradrenalin, dopamine, serotonin and other hormones in the brain is highly essential for treatment of depression or Parkinson’s.

Among them, serotonin controls noradrenalin and dopamine to keep the balance in brain functions.

It is closely related to mental balance, secure feeling, presence of mind or instinct,

as well as having antistress action with its structure similar to tranquilizers.

We recommend Anti Stress, a supplement developed by our scientific advisor Prof. Masao Mori.

Anti Stress is made from safe ingredients including sword-leaf dogbane extract, licorice extract, gingko leaf extract and beer yeast.

Sword-leaf dogbane is a Chinese herb that increases serotonin, containing no poisonous component.

Gingko leaf contains flavonoid, which removes active oxygen or free radicals,

as well as controlling platelet aggregation or active oxygen production in inflammatory cells

(by participating in lipperoxidation, platelet aggregation and inflammatory reaction, active oxygen damages cells to accelerates aging and lifestyle diseases).

Anti Stress is available only for those purchasing KOUKA.

For details email us at info@disajp.org.

〇 Sea mail available for overseas delivery

Our product KOUKA, a supplement patented as composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions,

has been enormously well-received by many users around the world.

However, overseas delivery has been difficult due to COVID-19.

Please be advised that all the overseas deliveries are conducted via sea mail until the pandemic goes down.

Sea mail covers many countries, although it takes longer (approximately 2-3 months).

The total cost for a package will be 41,000JPY including the product’s price of 39,000JPY and uniform sea mail charge of 2,000JPY.

To place an order, please let us know your details as below via the inquiry form for overseas customers.

1. Name

2. Address

3. Phone number

4. Email address

5. Recipient’s age, current status and other details that should be informed

6. Number of order  (a package weighs about 600g)

We will charge the total amount including the product’s price  (39,000JPY) and sea mail charge  (2,000JPY) via PayPal.

The item will be dispatched upon confirmation of the payment.

Please note that customers need to check on the custom duty for your country before ordering.

Don’t forget to make sure if you can receive the item in your area,

as some countries prohibit the import of supplements.

Thank you very much for your understanding and support to our activities.

We greatly appreciate medical professionals in the world for their dedicated work against the treats of COVID19.

Our association aims to bring more smiles in families, by supporting cognitive function’s recovery.

For the recovery, normalizing microcirculation is highly efficacious.

We found dosing proper amount of reishi, a gift of nature, is essential for better microcirculation.

KOUKA is a processed food product of Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi),

patented in Japan as a composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions.

Almost 100% of KOUKA users who took it for 3 months experienced alleviation of cognitive dysfunctions and life style diseases.

We strongly believe cognitive functions can be recovered and there is no need to give up even after the onset of dementia.

With this conviction, our association has conducted physiological studies for more understanding of the nature of human body,

as well as offering a wide range of awareness campaigns.

We are always open to share what we found with many people as possible.

We deliver further information at the official website.


DISAJP distributes valuable information on the 4th of each month to the world.
We welcome your feedback.

You can purchase the high quality reishi supplement KOUKA efficacious for improving cognitive functions at DIS SHOP.


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