Today’s theme is MCI risk test launched by an Ushio Inc.’s subsidiary

DISA NEWS is sent to those who subscribes.

Our association aims to achieve the dementia-free world.
We deliver this newsletter on the 4th of each month to bring you valuable information.

We offer sincere prayer for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives with COVID-19 spreading across the world,
and our deepest sympathy to those infected.

We wish them quick recovery, as well as hoping that everyone in difficulties get life back to normal soon.

We hope to contribute to avoiding the elderly people’s risk for death from the virus.

At the same time, the organization continues helping people get peaceful days back by supporting cognitive function’s recovery.
We stay active on our mission.


〇 MCI risk test launched by an Ushio Inc.’s subsidiary

〇 Some things you should know about the relation between dementia, depression and Parkinson’s disease

〇 World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21

〇 World COVID-19 infection exceeded 34 million

〇 Notes on overseas order on KOUKA


MCI risk test launched by an Ushio Inc.’s subsidiary

〇 MCI risk test launched by an Ushio Inc.’s subsidiary

Ushio Inc., a company headquartered in Tokyo, manufactures industrial optical source
and other lighting equipment, as well as industrial machinery.

Its subsidiary Protosera announced to offer a new test for mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
along with an oxystress test powered by the company’s unique technique of peptide measurement.

They has launched the service on September 21, the World Alzheimer’s Day.

ProtoKey® Dementia Risk Test determines the MCI risk by measuring a certain peptide biomarkers in the blood.

ProtoKey® Oxystress Test assesses oxystress in the blood to analyze efficacy of supplements or programs for prevention or treatment of dementia.

The bundle of these tests are provided for medical institution.

About ProtoKey® Dementia Risk Test to determine MCI risk

Although analyzing biochemical markers in cerebrospinal fluid or substances accumulated in the brain is helpful to determine the risk,
it is not yet generally used because of its high invasiveness of sampling.

Protosera conducted a joint study with Koji Abe, a professor at the Department of Neurology, Okayama University (1).

They succeeded in developing ProtoKey® Dementia Risk Test,
which determines MCI risk by monitoring 3 types of peptide biomarkers
(fibrinogen α chain, fibrinogen β chain and complement C1 Inhibitor)
whose utility was confirmed by the company’s unique technique of BLOTCHIP®-MS.

(1) Abe K., et al. A new serum biomarker set to detect mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease by peptidome technology . J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 73 (1) 217-227 (2020)

About ProtoKey® Oxystress Test to visualizing dementia preventative efficacy

Continuous high level of oxystress increases the amount of active oxygen generated in brain tissue.
It triggers functional declines in antioxidant systems and repairing mechanisms.

These declines are known to be responsible for onset and exacerbation of dementia.
To stop the progression while the symptoms are still mild, a variety of prevention such as exercises or supplements have been promoted.

However, no one had a method to assess the efficacy.

Protosera focused on cysteinylated transthyretin (Cys-TTR) in the blood, which is increased by elevation of the oxytress level.

Finally, the company succeeded in developing ProtoKey® Oxystress Test,
which measure oxystress level in the blood by monitoring the balance between Cys-TTR peptides and non-Cys-TTR peptides in blood samples after trypsin digestion (2).

(2) Wakabayashi I., et al. Cysteinylated transthyretin as a discriminator of cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes. Clin Chim Acta. 470 46-50 (2017)

From Observation of MCI patients using ProtoKey® Oxystress Test,
a certain association was found between oxystress level and dementia risk.

This means the test contributes to awareness on oxystress level,
which facilitates prevention or alleviation of MCI.

The combination of this test and ProtoKey® Dementia Risk Test enables self-check
or self-assessment on a treatment’s efficacy for the alleviation.

This invention is expected to contribute to preventing the onset of dementia.

〇 Some things you should know about the relation between dementia, depression and Parkinson’s disease

In August, our association’s scientific advisor Prof. Masao Mori and the director of Hasegawa Clinic Dr. Hiroshi Hasegawa,
a son of the developer of the Hasegawa’s Dementia Scale Dr. Kazuo Hasegawa, a professor emeritus at the St. Marianna University School of Medicine, had an exchange of views.

They shared the view that amelioration of dementia can be facilitated by better understanding on the relation between dementia, depression and Parkinson’s disease.

It’s difficult to distinguish between dementia and depression,
as these two disorders have very similar symptoms.

Each of them can be exacerbated by wrong approach.

Depression could lead to suicide in the worst case scenario.

A caregivers also has risk for developing depression, which sometimes occur a tragedy of caregiver murder.

On distinction between these two diseases, Dr. Hiroshi Hasegawa says
people with Alzheimer’s tend to be able to evade questions cleverly.

Many of elderly women suspected to have dementia answered
“oh, it’s not polite to ask a woman’s age”, when he asked them about their age.
Others cover up the truth that they didn’t remember, often saying “how about you, doctor?”

On the other hand, most of the people with depression answer simply that they don’t know.

10 to 20% of those with dementia have depression.

A report shows 43.5% of Alzheimer’s patients under 65 and 39.1% of those at 65 or older have depression.

According to a study by Dr. Hiroshi Nagayama, an associate professors at the Department of Neurology,
Nippon Medical School, depression can be a prodromal symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

The report shows patients with a history of depression have higher risk rate for having Parkinson’s.
(Shin Kitamura, Hiroshi Nagayama Depression in Parkinson’s disease. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi 115(11) 1135-41 (2013))

In clinical practice, 38 to 65% of Parkinson’s patients have depression.

Depression in Parkinson’s and clinical depression is very similar.

Parkinson’s depression is characterized by anhedonia, psychomotor slowing and some other symptoms.

In those cases, sense of guilt, suicidal ideation, helplessness and other symptoms typical in clinical depression are less frequent.

Parkinson’s disease and dementia is completely different two disorders, but they are closely related.

Statistics show 30% of Parkinson’s patients have dementia.

Parkinson’s patients have 4 to 6 times higher risk for developing dementia.

Certain data also suggest among 31 to 40 % of all Parkinson’s patients who also have dementia,
60% developed the disease in 12 years and 83% in 20 years from the onset of Parkinson’s.

Dementia accelerates worsening of motor symptoms.

Although memory impairment is less remarkable, visuospatial agnosia appears in earlier stage.
A typical sign is getting lost too easily.

Lewy body dementia is the dementia that onsets before or within a year from the appearance of Parkinson’s symptoms.
Essentially, this type of dementia is considered as the same disorder as Parkinson’s disease.

MCI risk test launched

Through the clinical trial from March, we’ve learned a certain type of dementia is very difficult to be cured.

Here’s a story from a family of a Parkinson’s patient, who took KOUKA along with prescribed drugs.

This person had tried to drink alcohol secretly again and again,
and sometimes drunk cooking alcohol when he couldn’t find what he wanted.

He occasionally became violent, and once he was injured after jumping out of a window to get out of his house.

The family had no idea what to do about it.

Through the trial of KOUKA, he became to be able to accept words from family members.

However, shaking in a limb or lack of facial expression wasn’t ameliorated in the trial period.

One of the major factor to facilitate onset of clinical depression or Parkinson’s disease is lack of serotonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain deeply relating to control of emotion and feeling or mental stability.

Lack of serotonin causes decline in brain functions, which makes it difficult to keep mental balance.

It is known to be responsible also for some other troubles like stress or sleep disorders.

At the same time, it is related to a variety of physical functions such as digestion, excretion or thermoregulation.

Actually, the trialist has been badly suffering from constipation

Prescribed drugs don’t work, so he can defecate only after having enema for some times.

Lack of serotonin, related to such wide range of troubles, can be solved by our supplement made of crude drugs.

It was developed by our association’s scientific advisor Prof. Masao Mori a couple of decades ago,
and widely distributed at reasonable price through a tough period when our more than 30 thousand people committed suicide a year in our country.

Anti Stress:

We recommend those diagnosed as having dementia experiencing depression or Parkinson’s symptoms to take the supplement along with KOUKA.

Anti Stress can improve sleeping, so it is also recommended for caregivers having trouble sleeping.

〇 World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21

The World Alzheimer’s Day, 21 September each year, was launched by the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) in 1994,
aiming to raise awareness and promote various measures for the patients and families.

ADI also designated September as the World Alzheimer’s Month to provide awareness campaign worldwide.

In Japan, some landmarks throughout the nation were illuminated with orange lights, the color representing dementia.

〇 World COVID-19 infection exceeded 34 million

The world nouvelle coronavirus infection has exceeded 34.7 million. More than 1 million people died.(at 3 am on 4th)

According to Johns Hopkins University, world COVID-19 infection and death toll reached 34,706,736
and 1,029,969 respectively, as of 3 am on October 4 in Japan time.

Countries with the largest number of infections:

∇ The US (7,351,767)

∇ India (6,473,544)

∇ Brazil (4,880,523)

∇ Russia (1,198,663)

∇ Colombia (841,532)

Countries with the largest fatalities:

∇ The US (208,940)

∇ Brazil (145,338)

∇ India (100,842)

∇ Mexico (78,492)

∇ The UK (42,258)


〇 Notes on overseas order of KOUKA

Our product KOUKA, a supplement patented as composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions, has been enormously well-received by many users around the world.

However, now it is difficult to dispatch the items to overseas customers due to COVID-19.

The items are usually delivered via EMS, which is currently unavailable in many countries and regions as they suspended to accept international mails.

Also, transportation routes are almost lost because of a significant number of cancellation or reduction of flights from Japan.

Please be advised that every overseas customer needs to check your own country’s situation to make sure if you can receive EMS, before ordering.

For your information, sea mail is available in many countries, although it takes longer (approximately 2-3 months).

If you want another delivery method, find possible option and check the fee required, and let us know the details as below via email.

1. Name

2. Address

3. Phone number

4. Email address

5. Recipient’s age, current status and other details that should be informed

6. Number of order (a package weighs about 600g)

7. Name of carrier

8. Charge for delivery


We charge the total amount including the product’s price (39,000JPY) and the delivery charge (declared in above 8) via PayPal.

The item will be dispatched upon confirmation of the payment.

Customers will be notified via email if we find something wrong on operation or delivery charge of designated carriers.

We will notify customers if anything wrong happens on operation or delivery charge of designated carriers.

Customers also need to check on the custom duty for your country before ordering.

Don’t forget to make sure if you can receive the item in your area, as some countries prohibit the import of supplements.


Thank you very much for your understanding and support to our activities.

We greatly appreciate medical professionals in the world for their dedicated work against the treats of COVID-19.

Our association aims to bring more smiles in families, by supporting cognitive function’s recovery.

One of the most effective ways for that is to normalize microcirculation.

We found dosing proper amount of reishi, a gift of nature, is essential for better microcirculation.

KOUKA is a processed food product of Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi), patented in Japan as a composition of matter to ameliorate cognitive dysfunctions.

Almost 100% of KOUKA users who took it for 3 months experienced alleviation of cognitive dysfunctions and life style diseases.

We strongly believe cognitive functions can be recovered and there is no need to give up even after the onset of dementia.

With this conviction, the association has conduct physiological studies for more understanding of the nature of human body, as well as offering a wide range of awareness campaigns.

We are always open to share what we found with many people as possible.

We deliver further information at the official website, so please check it out. 

We distribute valuable information on the 4th of each month to the world, hoping for reducing sadness of dementia.

Would you like to try out today’s theme ” MCI risk test “?

We welcome your feedback.


You can purchase the high quality reishi supplement KOUKA effective for improving cognitive functions at DIS SHOP.

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