This mail is for those who registered as a member for “ DISAJP NEWS “ ? the mail magazine issued by a general incorporated association, Dementia improved support Association of Japan.

Thank you for the understanding and supports to our Association.

We issue mail magazine to the members to deliver useful information from Association.

《 The contents of today’s mail magazine 》

Please do not give up even though you are diagnosed as dementia.
DISA 2525 (Nikiniko ) Advice : Take foods including EPA and DHA
DISA 2525 (Nikoniko) Q&A : How to enjoy cherry-blossom viewing with nursing care level 4 and more, or wheelchair?
Be careful infections disease in season : “ Prevention for current rotaviruss infection and Norovirus “
DISA recommended seminar : Free seminar sponsored by the Society of Restoration-of-Health Medicine whose chairman of the board is professor Masao Mori who developed KOUKA which is dementia improvement supplement and micro circulation researcher.
April 6th Friday,13:30 ~ Health Seminar Dementia : Brain activating method that does not go senile by traditional Chinese physician Kanae Shukuri.

《Do not give up even though you are diagnosed as dementia ! 》

It is said that dementia is not curable and there is no drug to cure dementia.

But in England, it is recognized that the control of both life style related disease and circulatory disease which is caused by life style related disease is related to the prevention of dementia. That recognition leads to decrease of dementia.

At the association, this recognition is analyzed physiologically and the solution of body normally circulated physically is provided.

Details refer・・・

We deliver one point advice that helps to live active daily life with smile for dementia patients and their family members.

“ Spring is the start for new school term! “

Somehow it is gotten excited and feels like to challenge new things ?

This year the start of cherry blossom season is earlier than usual, planning to view cherry blossom? But spring is the season of hay fever and have a good appetite or no appetite, it is the season of emotional up and down.

Light dementia : Dedicated food including high EPA and DHA which are effective to prevent vascular dementia.
Moderate dementia : Avoid to eat at once. ( Separate foods into small dishes with deglutition measures, soft and easy to swallow foods.
Severe dementia : Be careful with pica ( Do not put tissue papers etc that confuses with food )

Questions And Answers

Q:I would like to recommend cherry blossom viewing to those who are nursing care level #4 and more, or wheelchair person. What kind of cautions needed for eating like lunch box?

A:At the outside, it is important to have deglutition measure. Lunch boxes should contain the foods that are soft and easy to swallow. Also, be careful with hygiene management especially food poisoning. And if there is toilet nearby, especially toilet for the handicapped.

It is getting warmer, and spring is the season that people want to challenge new things. Please enjoy cherry blossom viewing.

《At this season, especially infection disease that should be very careful》

The information of infection disease that Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced. The number of reports of influenza group A streptococcal pharyngitiss ( hemolytic streptococcal infection ) is decreasing , but it is still warning level. Especially be careful in reporting many northern Japan. In the past, rotavirus infection which is an epidemic from December to January and is called winter diarrhea, but recently the peak season is from March to May. This year the number of patients increase from the end of February. Dehydration, lack of water by diarrhea in elderly people cause, worsen the dementia. Please be careful the condition of feces and also care givers should be thorough washing hands. It may be better to keep “ Noro attack “ which kills norovirus all the time.

Rotovirus information by area, 3/5 ~ 3/10 data ( from more reports )

Miyazaki Prefecture

Hiroshima Prefecture

Aomori Prefecture

Gifu Prefecture

Oita Prefecture

Symptom : Main three features are vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Incubation period is almost two days and typical example is vomiting and fever in early stage and the diarrhea follows. Usually, vomiting can be seen after first or second day and is less after third day. Diarrhea is water soluble to muddy and color is white to yellowish white. Fever lasts half day to a day. Body temperature reaches 40.2 C and 14% is 39.1 C and more 65% is 38.0 C and more.

Method of treatment : There is no specific anti-virus therapy. Mainly symptomatic treatment is held, to dehydration along with vomiting or diarrhea or electrolyte imbalance, replenisher is held by oral administration or complemental liquid for jugular vein . For prevention, there is random vaccination against rotavirus vaccine.




The Society of Restoration-of-Health Medicine , traditional Chinese physician Kanae Shukuri, Health Seminar No. 19

Theme : Dementia, various physical risks cause dementia. The method of brain activation to avoid going senile.

Time : April 6, 2018 Friday, 13:30 ~

Place : The Society of Restoration-of-Health Medicine ( Hama Cho TSK building 5F, 2-38-9 Nihonbashi Hama Cho, Chuo Ku, Tokyo 103-0007 Japan )

Register :

Capacity : 30

Online Shop

The DIS SHOP is the shopping website where we offer our products for dementia symptom improvements. On the website, you can find more information such as product introductions, testimonials or how to purchase.

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【DISAJP NEWS -E-Mail Newsletter】

発行元:Dementia improved support Association of Japan


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