~ 介護のプロフェッショナルが送る 認知症介護のワンポイントアドバイス ~
Ms. Miyuki Kawanisni – who is a specialist for nursing – will start “ One Point Advice “ courses in Dementia within the Dementia improved support Association of Japan website.
I will pursue the real “nursing “ that future me cannot satisfied with is not “ real nursing “.
介護を楽しく DISA 2525(ニコニコ)アドバイス 講座は、
介護のプロフェッショナル 川西美幸氏より、
認知症の方と そのご家族のために、
すぐに役立つ ワンポイントアドバイスをいただくコーナーです。
At the official site of Dementia Improved Support Association of Japan, Ms. Miyuki Kawanishi – who is a specialist for nursing – starts her “one point of advice“ lecture which makes nursing fun and interesting and creates a cheerful situation . As they call it “Ms. Miyuki Kawanishi’s wonderful lecture“ The lectures themes change weekly, “meals“, “exercise“, “life“, “intermingling“, and “mind“. The stories are well received and beneficial to both people who receive care and people who provide the nursing.
She is Certified care worker, care manager, dementia life partner, activity director, lecturer of nursing related areas, facility activity care, opened Orange Saloon.
見て遊んでぐっすり眠る 『見遊眠倶楽部 (みゅうみんくらぶ)』
DISAJP provides useful and up-to-date information for improving the circumstances of dementia for both patients and family. This is done primarily through working to create an industry which leads to improvement in the local area of the issues surrounding dementia. Earlier, we offered some advice ( the so called : one point advice ) which was provided by Ms. Kawanishi who is active in this field. We wish to be part of solving the agony and heartache of the family members along with the efforts of Ms. Kawanishi.
誰もが 認知症には なりたくない と 思っていることでしょう。
けれど 今 目の前にいる人は 未来の 私かもしれない
そんな 視点で 毎日を 認知症の皆様と 接しています。
そして 私が たどり着いた答えは
未来の 私の中の 私が 満足しないものは 介護とはいえない
どんなに 高尚なケアを されようが 手厚く 介護をされようが
人は 人として 接してもらいたい という気持ちがあります。
それが 尊厳を守る ということです。
私が 認知症改善サポート日本協会の 活動に 感銘いたしましたのは
これからの介護は 住み慣れた 場所が メインになる と感じているからです。
地元が 一番いい!
といえる街が あちこちに あると
訪れる人も その土地が 大好きになります。
小中学校を 子ども時代を 共に過ごした 仲間が 高齢者となり
また 鮭のごとく 地元に帰って来て 交友を深める・・・
そんな 優しい 地域作りの お手伝いが出来たらいいな と思っています。
私は オレンジサロン という 認知症カフェを 開設しています。
誰でも 利用できる
安心できる 居場所スペース で
認知症の家族や 子どもや 赤ちゃんを預け
用事を済ませられるような場を 目指しています。
家族だけで 介護をするのは とても難しいことです。
認知症は より困難です。
元気だった頃を 知っているだけに
今の 現実を 受け入れることが 難しい。
愛情が あり過ぎるから
責任が あり過ぎるから
プロは 目の前にいる人を 客観視できます。
最初から 距離感を持って 接することが できるからです。
安心して お願いしたり されたりする
知人や 友人が いることが どれだけ 助かることか
そのために 自分が存在したい と願っています。
認知症に なっても 感情は 残ります。
優しい人たちが たくさんいる 社会だと
認知症の方々も 住みやすくなります。
笑顔溢れた 社会だと
私の目指す社会と 認知症改善サポート日本協会の理念が 重なり
ひとつでも 皆様の お役に立てるアドバイスが できたら・・・という思いで
川西美幸の2525(ニコニコ)ワンダフル講座 をスタートさせていただきます。
Message from Ms.Kawanishi
No one think they don’t want to be dementia.
But I deal with people with dementia everyday with the point of view that the person in front of me may be the future of me.
My answer came after a struggle was that it cannot be said that future me will not satisfied with is not be “ nursing “.
The important thing in nursing is to help maintain the dignity of a human life.
Going forward, we will find the places one lives for nursing will be the place where one continues to live.
The location where a person feels at home and comfortable is the best place for them to live.
Usually, this is a place where family members and visitors really love. DISAJP aims to support and promote the places where many people live with a smile.
Nursing from now is based on the place where you get to used to live.
The place where you are born and grown up is the best place. Even becomes older, you can exchange friendship with people who shared childhood.
I would like to help to create the gentle areas such as the above.
In Japan, the New Orange Plan – Japanese dementia strategy – was created which allows individuals suffering from dementia to keep living a normal life.
The dementia cafes are being located in various areas as a place where dementia sufferers can participate in society and family members can be there to be with their loved ones as well as to exchange information.
Currently, places are limited where the dementia people can participate in society and family members can participate in information exchange.
Also, the general public have very few chances to learn about dementia; therefore, the dementia café are anticipated ted to be the place where people suffering from dementia and their family members can rely on those in the proximity to the café and they can learn more about dementia and those that suffer from it.
It is very difficult to take care person by family members only.
The dementia is much harder to take care of.
It is very difficult to accept the reality now because you know them when they are good health. You have too much love and too much responsibility.
The society with full of gentle people is the place where dementia people live easily. I would like to start the course that helpful advices in order to make a society with full of smile.
1965年 東京都生まれ。介護福祉士、ケアマネジャー、認知症ライフパートナー、アクティビティディレクター。介護関係講師、施設アクティビティケア、オレンジサロン開設。
夫の仕事の関係で 海外居住中も 世界の介護事情を現場で体験。
現在は 各地で アクティビティケア専門の講座や 就職支援者に向けた初任者研修、実務者研修の養成学校で 講師に従事。また認知症の方や地域交流の場所作りを目指した オレンジサロン を展開中。アメリカで経験した高齢者障害者向けボランティア活動や メンタル面を重視した介護のノウハウとテクニックを伝授する。
日々、介護する人される人が win win の満足感が得られるような 介護革命を目指すパイオニア。
Profile of Ms. Kawanishi Miyuki :
1965 Born in Tokyo.
Certified care worker, care manager, life partner for dementia, activity director, lecturer for care related areas, care for activities for facilities, and opened Orange Saloon.
After working as an office lady for ten years, she went into the care business in 1996. She had various care related professional responsibilities such as a helper for visiting client homes, care worker for facilities, specialist for supporting helper for visiting clients homes, instructor of mentally handicapped person, and lecturer for caring.
Also she experienced various caring situation overseas when her husband lived abroad on business.
At the moment, she lectures on courses for activity care, beginner training for job applicants, and schools for training for caring.
Also, she opened Orange Saloon targeting a place for exchange between people with dementia and local community members. She conveys the know-how and techniques of volunteer activities for aged disablers and emphasized mental aspects that she had learned in the US.
She is a pioneer whom both caregivers and those whom are being cared for have a feeling of win-win satisfaction.